Sunday, July 15, 2007


No denying it - I am now officially in my mid-thirties.  Technically I have been, but there is no getting around it now.  :o(

I'm not sure how I feel about it - overall I guess I'm fine.  I am really happy with where my life is - professionally and personally - with a great wife and friend in Lori.  

So here it is.  My 35th.  Happy Birthday to me.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

iPhone - Will it Blend?

This is very painful to watch. I am ecstatic with my iPhone and wouldn't dream of doing such a thing - even if I did have a second one.

Freaky that it turns into virtually all black dust, but still painful to see.

If you have heart trouble or a weak stomach, you may want to look away!
